Peace and Harmony by Mickey Durand D.G.M.

Peace and Harmony:

First, let me thank the Grand Master for all he has done so far this year and in all of the past years.
I think that the reading of scripture from the Holy Bible at the opening of each Lodge meeting sends a very powerful message as to what we stand for as Masons and gets the order of business started in a reverent manner.
Traveling around the state I see good work being done, but I see several lodges struggling with membership.  If something is not done to correct this within the next five years we could be looking at fifteen to twenty lodges who will no longer be in existence.  Yes, some of our problems are outside of our control, but some of our problems are from within.  An example is when we take in a new member and never give him a part to do in degree work because the same people continue to do them.  We should be teaching these new members to take the parts that many of us fifty year members are still doing.  No, they may not be letter perfect but were we when we first started?  Are we perfect today?
Many things in masonry are in threes.  The three Great Lights, the three Lesser lights, the three degrees in the Blue Lodge, the three principal officers, etc.  But what bothers me are the phrases that have three words and we can’t seem to use them.  When we disagree we can’t say “I was wrong, I am sorry, I love you”.  Brethren, we need to remember all of the parts of our obligation that we all took at that sacred alter.  Go back and repeat them and try to remember them in all that we do after all, we are all brothers in Christ.
What does it cost to respect others, care for them, give them consideration and courtesy, respect their feelings, be polite to them, respect their opinions, and just be kind to them?  Being kind to others always gets their attention.  Every action we do should be done with some sign of respect to all that are in our presence.
We must also learn to be comfortable with change after all things are made to be changed.  Most of us wish that we had been more courteous at different times in our life.  And yet thinking the best of other human beings remains a very important part of who we are.  Sometimes, we should try listening with an open mind to a person we dislike or disagree with.  Maybe if we just spend a few minutes with him it could help you see things differently.  It may be that we have been wrong about him all along.
Many of our lodges that are having problems meeting or doing degree work should try to visit other lodges and see what works for them, plus you can enjoy in the fellowship.  If you need help I am sure that they will be ready to assist you.  We all need to restore peace to the troubled bosom to relieve distress, and be kind and friendly in dealing with our fellowman.
Thanks Grand Master for letting me send a message to our great Fraternity and to each of you, if I can be of help to you feel  free to call me.  May peace and harmony prevail and May God bless each of you.


Earl J. “Mickey” Durand, D.G.M.