Landmarks Recognized by the Grand Lodge of Louisiana

(Adopted February 14, 1989)

Government of Masonry

I. The Grand Lodge is the supreme governing body within its territorial jurisdiction. The powers of the Grand Lodge are derived from the Ancient Landmarks, usages, and customs of Masonry. It has original and exclusive jurisdiction to enact and enforce all laws and regulations for the government of the Craft.

2. That it is the prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft in his jurisdiction, whether grand or subordinate, and to exercise the executive functions of the Grand Lodge during its recess.

3. Necessity of Masons to congregate in Lodges, to have a Master and two Wardens.

4. No one can be elected Master of a chartered Lodge but a Master Mason who shall have served as a Warden.

5 . That no appeal can be taken to the Lodge from the decision of the Master or Warden occupying the chair in his absence. A Lodge can not try its Master.

6. No Lodge can interfere with the business of another Lodge.

7. The equality of all Masons.

8. The right of every Mason to appeal to the Grand Lodge from any decision affecting his status as a Mason.

9. Membership in the Fraternity:

The Grand Lodge recognizes the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual qualifications of a candidate for membership in the Masonic Fraternity, as derived from the Ancient Landmarks. The candidate must receive a clear ballot to qualify for membership. Reference: General Regulations of 1721

“No man can be entered a brother in any particular Lodge, or admitted a member thereof, without the unanimous consent of all the members of the Lodge then present when the candidate is proposed, and their consent is formally asked by the Master.” Anderson’s Constitutions

This Landmark applies to candidates applying for membership in the fraternity and those asking to be “accepted” from other Masonic Lodges.

10. The Masonic Insignia

During the latter part of the eighteenth century, the Square and Compasses, were united in a certain manner to form the recognized insignia of Masonry. The Grand Lodge of Louisiana recognizes this as a Landmark of Masonry. The Square and Compasses, as they appear in the Master Mason Degree, shall be the official insignia of Louisiana Grand Lodge.

The Grand Lodge recognizes that the letter “G’ has been added to the insignia in recent years, not by official action, but by individuals as an expression of love for the Deity. The Grand Lodge would permit this addition to continue, but will not permit other innovations, deletions, or additions without permission of the Grand Lodge with the exception of present officers jewels.

11. “The Book of the Law,” square and compasses are the Great Light in Freemasonry, and their presence in an open Lodge is indispensable.

12. The white Lambskin apron is the badge of a Mason.

13. The legend of the Third Degree.

14. The covenants of a Mason do not conflict with his duty to God, his country, family, neighbor, or himself, but are binding upon his conscience and actions.

15. Penalties described in Masonry are Ancient Symbolic Penalties.

16. Masons must obey the moral law and government of the country in which they reside.

17. Secrecy applies to the modes of recognition, certain symbols, the ballot, obligations, signs, passwords, and the forms of initiation.

18. A belief in the existence of God, in the immortality of the Soul, and a resurrection thereof to a future life,

19. The volume of the Sacred Law, open upon the altar, is an indispensable furnishing of every Lodge while at labor.

20. The symbolism of the Operative Art.

21. The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring degrees at irregular times and for opening and holding Lodges (Lodge under dispensation).

22. That no visitor, unknown to the Brethren present, or to some one of them as a Freemason, can enter a Lodge without first passing an examination according to ancient usage.

23. Every Master, before closing his Lodge, may give, or cause to be given, a lecture on Masonry, or a part thereof.


Healing Day – June 24,1813.

Moderns and Ancients had separated and formed separate Grand Lodges over one question.

The religious belief of a candidate.

They agreed – June 24, 1813 on this statement:

“Let a man’s religion or mode of worship be what it may, he is not excluded from the order, provided he believes in the Glorious Architect of Heaven and Earth and practices the sacred duties of Morality.”

(Copied from pages IVa, IVb and, IVC of the Louisiana Handbook of Masonic Law.)